Icknox Motors
- Telephone:
- 07359 253786 | 07359 253786
- Chequers, London Road, Flamstead, St. Albans, Hertfordshire, AL3 8HD
Part Exchange
Considering to part exchange?
Part exchanging allows you to combine the process of selling your old car and buying your next one. Icknox will offer you a quote for the car you are planning to part-ex, and if you agree we will adjust the value towards the cost of your next purchase with us.
Although you could possibly make more by selling your car privately, part-ex is a great option if you don't want the hassle of advertising the car yourself, fitting in prospective buyer viewings and the worry of the car being rejected and to follow this cycle again multiple times costing you time (you spend with buyers) and money you spend on advertising.
Why part exchange?
It is an increasingly popular option for car buyers in the UK – research has suggested that roughly 3.2 million people each year choose to part exchange their car.
While it may not be the best choice for everyone, there are some clear advantages:
- It stands out as the most easy and convenient option. You could drive to Icknox Motors in the car you are exchanging and drive home in your new car. Other options are likely to leave you temporarily with two cars or with none at all.
- You avoid initial outlay of advertising your car privately and the time dedicated to viewings.
As mentioned previously, you are likely to receive a lower value for your car when part exchanging than you would when selling privately. However, research by Auto Express discovered that there was little difference between a part exchange value and the private sale of the same car.
This was due to the cost of advertising the car for sale and the fact that vehicle prices on the private market are always reduced to reflect the lack of security around the vehicle’s reliability and condition. What’s more, most dealerships are equipped to sell second hand models and can therefore offer you a competitive price while still making a profit on its resale.
How is your part exchange valued?
Please share below details along with Photos via Text or Whatsapp (07587833727) of the car you would like to p/x to us:
1. Registration Number
2. Has it ever been written off?
3. Any Mechanical, electrical issues with the car?
4. Service history - full/ partial?
5. MOT end date
6. Registered Former Keepers on V5
7. Any damage/dents/scratches to the body?
8. Mileage
Our team will offer you an initial quote based on information you provide us about the vehicle. However, a confirmed price will be agreed once we are able to view and assess the vehicle and any damage.
What documents will you need when you bring in your car?
If you choose to part exchange your car with us you will need to bring along these items to your handover:
- Proof of Service History
- Spare key
- V5C
- Any car accessory